algorithms, artificial intelligence

AI Skeptics

I am talking about those goalpost-moving crowd which says “You will be never able to make computers play chess!”. When computers do chess, they just move this goal to something else unachievable according to them, like Go. Pretending meanwhile, how trivial the chess was. It’s just an algorithm, they say.

It’s a well-known hypocrisy of this particular sect, nothing new here. But can we somehow use this pile of dishonest intellectual garbage for something interesting and informative?

Let me try! Until we have no algorithm, we have an open and “impossible” AI problem. Then, we have at least an lousy algorithm. Then we have a better algorithm. Then we have a superhuman level solving algorithm. Therefore, one day we will have the so-called AGI, when we will have one billion or more algorithms stacked so nifty, that they will trigger the most promising one among them, to solve any problem which may appear. A new algorithm will be devised when needed. In their free time, all those algorithms will be under optimization process and re-stacked often. Every aspect of this algorithm-hive will be the subject of a constant effort to improve.

And this we will call AGI. The above-mentioned skeptic club will call it “an increasingly large pile of self-improving algorithms for various tasks, nothing new”.




algorithms, artificial intelligence

Doctors and nurses and such …

… are notoriously difficult to schedule.  The right amount of them at every moment of the day or night, each working at some acceptable pace, about the right number of hours per month, with various absences, holidays and much more is a par excellence hard to plan.

If is it more chess-like complicated or Go-like complicated, depends on a particular working place in question, but it’s almost always complicated!  Human schedulers are surprisingly good, as human chess players are surprisingly good. But only to a point when the machine with the algorithm arrives. A human is no match for the top engines.

There is a superhuman level scheduler called WoShi now. Partly responsible for the hiatus we had on this blog. We are field testing it right now.


