
Čist’ t’ko … med nami rečeno

Ni cilj da bi bil “računalnik pametnejši od človeka”, cilj je, da bi bil “računalnik pametnejši od človeštva”. Kar je sicer komu samo po sebi očitno, marsikomu pa niti ne prav zelo.

Zato si kar ne neham meti rok od zadovoljstva nad izidom tiste afere s številom dni v mesecih. Na tej spodnji štengi problemov je računalo definitivno zmagalo v tekmi s človeštvom, ne s posameznim človekom. Kdor to lahko sprevidi, za to skoraj najnižjo stopničko hiearhije nalog, v redu.


Here We Are

There is a relatively new YT channel, called Stockfish. Where some immortal chess games between great players of the past, games we all know and love and admire, are scrutinized but no other than Stockfish 15. It turns out, that many errors were made in those games and that after all, are not as great as we believed for so long.

A healthy dose of realism, packed into humorous cynism, is what you get by watching this channel. Highly recommended!

We’ve kind of known this for some time now, haven’t we? At least about chess. That even the best human minds are quite weak, on the absolute scale. We are not the apex chess thinkers, anymore.

But what about other areas?

For several hundred years, we stared into a simple rule, but nobody saw it. A humble rule, for simple usage, was in front of our eyes. It goes like this “A month has less than 31 days, if and only if its Roman numeral has two digits. Otherwise, there are 31 days in that month.” No exceptions and no need for the so-called “knuckle mnemonic”, where you count your bones to establish the number of days in let’s say November. Or any other. You could memorize it also, and you could learn one of many, many mnemonic songs as well. Or look up a calendar, of course.

Last Thursday, however, a small AI experiment delivered the above algorithm. 400 or more years too late perhaps. But it finally did!

How could we be so blind? On the other hand, how good, and intelligent these new machines are? On the absolute scale of things. How good and intelligent they will (soon) become?
