logic, mathematics, physics

Another Intermezzo Intermezzo Problem

The first one was solved by Oscar Cunningham and the point of the solution is that every probable black hole lasts for at least a million years longer, if you add just one hydrogen atom into it. Of course, a supermassive black hole acquires even much longer additional time with every hydrogen atom acquisition, or shall we say — a merger with a single hydrogen atom.

It is reasonable to assume, that our domestic SMBH’s lifespan is prolonged by 10^60+ years per second, due the regular infall. Assuming also, that there will be no Big Rip or something equally unpleasant for black holes in the future.

While we still don’t know the definite answer to the Intermezzo problem, here is another inter-intermezzo.

Are there non synthesizable molecules, which would be stable if they somehow managed to pop up into existence by magic or by some weird quantum fluctuation? (Non-synthesizable-repeatedly from chemistry/physics/mathematics/logic reasons.)









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