
Several Big Numbers to Sort

  1. number of pretty human faces
  2. the smallest number not expressible with 1000 Python  lines
  3. number of possible stable molecules
  4. the decimal place of the number Pi, where the Java coded superintelligence begins
  5. the largest well defined natural number on the Internet today (April 30, 2017, 12:00 GMT)
  6. the inverse of the probability, that the Zeus is in charge
  7. the inverse of the probability, that the Moon is actually a medium size pizza in the sky
  8. the inverse of the probability, that the fall of Rome was staged and that the current Pope is a Cezar, deceiving all but those Roman families who still run the world
  9. the inverse of the probability, that you will be reincarnated, remembering all, before 2100
  10. the number of all the people that could have been born, if the history went differently enough for them
  11.  the number of possible worlds better than this
  12. the inverse of the probability, that I run the simulation you are currently in

You may sort just a pair, find two (maybe zero/infinite) equals, find the minimal or the maximal number, the average.

But you may also sort the whole list.


7 thoughts on “Several Big Numbers to Sort

  1. Oscar Cunningham says:

    3, 10, 11 are possibly infinite.

    5 is the biggest apart from them, followed by 2 and then 4.

    All of the inverse probabilities fit in here.

    1 is the smallest, assuming you mean *extant* pretty faces. If you just mean *possible* pretty faces then maybe this one is infinite too.

      • Oscar Cunningham says:

        I think that very large 3-dimensional or 2-dimensional structures are guaranteed to tear apart due to gravity. But a 1-dimensional structure should be possible. So I think a very long plastic stick is a stable molecule.

    • Oscar Cunningham says:

      Ah, I thought that 2 was “largest number generated”, not “smallest number not generated”. In that case I think 4 is bigger than 2. I think 2 is still larger than all the inverse probabilities.

      • I think that those inverse probabilities are not as small as generally assumed. One human in a million is crazy enough, that he has no solid knowledge about anything at all.

        Perhaps 1 in a million is that crazy and that lost – and I could be one of them. The probability is about 1 in a million. Then anything is possible. Even that Zeus is in charge or that I am imagining the Moon, it’s just a pizza hanging there.

        I have no way to know.

  2. I think a very long plastic stick is a stable molecule.

    A very long stick becomes a black hole eventually, too. But even long before that, the gravity pressure in the center builds up with the stick’s length.

    • Oscar Cunningham says:

      Yeah, you’re right. I just did the calculation and the compressive tension in the middle of a stick of length L goes up like log(L), eventually crushing a stick made of any material.

      What if we slowly rotated the stick to prevent it from collapsing? It would have to bend as it spun because the end can’t travel faster than light, but perhaps we could calculate a clever way to keep it moving without snapping. Would that be allowed?

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